
Anonymous said…
I used to think (when I was young, more than I am XDD)that you meet somebody, you get on well, you fall in love with him and everything's perfect; he understands you perfectly and you understand him, take care of each other, support each other and when you think that it will be in that way, you find that things are more complicated; you will find yourself alone too and you can't take refuge on him. That moment is when you realize how reality is and begin to learn it and to get used to it.
Anonymous said…
Creo que estoy exactamente en el momento en que me doy cuenta de que todo lo anterior ("you meet somebody, you get on well, you fall in love with him and everything's perfect; he understands you perfectly and you understand him, take care of each other, support each other") no basta....todo es complicado, empezando por mi misma...y siempre, en el fondo, encuentras que estás solo...

Sobre el post...
Creo que al igual que se aplica al amor, este post debe aplicarse a la amistad...tampoco para la amistad muchas veces somos perfectos. Pero hay veces que esas imperfecciones se suplen con lo que la otra persona te aporta.
Anonymous said…
Las imperfecciones exageradas o también llamados defectos, a veces se pagan muy caro.

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