
Some days it is just hard to be away from home. Not because something bad has happened, but just because this feeling heats you hard. It is not that you miss your family and friends. It is already years that you and them got used to follow separate pathways. It is not that you miss your national food, your national weather... It is even not the reason that you miss your old bedroom.
It is just that some days you just feel you don't belong in here. But then you look at the sky, in a beautiful night like this, and you realize that one can see the same moon no matter where you are. And suddenly, this feeling of been a citizen of the world does come mysteriosly back to you.
It is just that some days you just feel you don't belong in here. But then you look at the sky, in a beautiful night like this, and you realize that one can see the same moon no matter where you are. And suddenly, this feeling of been a citizen of the world does come mysteriosly back to you.
Es un sentimiento.... quizás es el sillón al lado del fuego, un libro...la cena de mamá...
echo de menos los años de insituto, cuando volvía a casa a las 22h, depués de estar todo el día fuera....pero volvía a mi casa. Con la cena esperándome... días de muchísimo trabajo, parece mentira, pero más que ahora...
Quizás echo de menos la sensación de plenitud, de saber a dónde voy, de luchar por una meta. Sí, eso es, ahora estamos demasiado perdidos....ya hemos conseguido esa meta del instituto, no tenemos una meta clara en la vida, o si la tenemos, ¡es tan difícil de alcanzar!
Echo de menos creer en un destino, luchar por algo, tener confianza en mí misma....luchar, simplemente, luchar las 24h del día.
Excepto la media hora de comerme mi cena y la sobremesa, en el sillón, junto al fuego, con mi libro.