
Showing posts from November, 2009

Talkin' about a revolution

Some people can just sing. They don't need make up. They don't need to appear semi-naked on stage. Not a huge band. Nor an impressive ballet behind them. They just make it with their voice. And I admire singers like THESE.
Hace pocas semanas, en el programa de rtve En noches como ésta , Juan Ramón Lucas entrevistaba al Premio Nobel de Literatura J. Saramago. No seré yo quien me interese por sus ideas políticas o religiosas especialmente, pero mucho por su literatura. Decía Saramago explícitamente "que no nos merecemos la vida". Que en algún momento de la Historia, quizá incluso de la Prehistoria, había varias opciones y tomamos la incorrecta. Tiene razón, vivimos en un mundo muy infeliz, un auténtico desastre. Todos los días nos levantamos y conseguimos olvidarlo. Hoy me declaro pesimista que no pierde la esperanza. Pero tengo miedo de que dejemos de preguntarnos adónde vamos.
Photo by Alper Tunç Si quieres conocer a una persona, sólo tienes que verla escoger.
Mañana es el primer día del resto de mi vida.


Some days it is just hard to be away from home. Not because something bad has happened, but just because this feeling heats you hard. It is not that you miss your family and friends. It is already years that you and them got used to follow separate pathways. It is not that you miss your national food, your national weather... It is even not the reason that you miss your old bedroom. It is just that some days you just feel you don't belong in here. But then you look at the sky, in a beautiful night like this, and you realize that one can see the same moon no matter where you are. And suddenly, this feeling of been a citizen of the world does come mysteriosly back to you.

A universal truth

Cuando el tiempo tiende a cero, el rendimiento tiende a infinito.