
Lately, I have been thinking about power. Without any pejorative connotation. Only the concept of power itself. Even if we deny it, the search for power happens to play an important role in our lives. Many relationships are based on an exchange of power. What is so special about it? Is it growing so much related to the acquisition of power? And if not… what makes us feel so satisfied when we achieve it?

Money is power.

Beauty is power.

Language is power.

Knowledge is power.

Age is power.

What else?

And then I can’t help but wonder: Does the acquisition of power necessarily mean that we want to consider ourselves better than other people? Or can we just, or better said, should we just use our power to provide help to the others?


casiopea said…
George Orwell said in 1984: ignorance is power.

It is, for the others.

Power is just a fatal attraction we can't escape from.
casiopea said…
y a veces, quien fue poderoso, pierde todo su antiguo poder por tonterías, por amor, por las personas........que le traicionan. Y el antiguo poder, basado en esa frialdad perdida, es irrecuperable.
ali said…
Yo creo que todo en lo que nos convertimos por el hecho de tener poder es producto de la sociedad en la que vivimos. El poder es importante en todos los aspectos de la vida y en nuestra sociedad parece que te premian por ello, de ahí nuestra sensación de orgullo, satisfacción y sobre todo de control cuando nos hacemos con él :).

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