Most times in life it is just the moment which counts. We love fast food, quick deliveries and coffees to go... We shop an item regardless of the credit crunch by the end of the month. Because it is carpe diem which matters. And this rule often applies also to people. Friends become those with whom you hang around, with whom you share a table over beers, despite the conversation is not particularly inspiring.
That is why it is relieving to sometimes find out that uniquess is still a value, and an important one. That you still have friends who you do not have the chance to see very often, but they remain special. And although you may share your time with other folks, your meetings with your genuine friends are much more exciting.
And in terms of love, it is nice to eventually recover the faith you once lost. It simply feels good to be able to believe again that love can still happen and that someone can find you special, despite you are some kilometers away, despite you are not the prettiest, the smartest or the coolest...
It just feels good, very good, that in the anonymity of your life, you happen to be special.
En los amigos, hace tiempo que me dí cuenta (desde aquel verano en Castelldefels aproximadamente... un verano después del cual mi vida cambió mucho...un verano filosófico-depresivo, en el fondo...)
En el amor, nunca lo hubiera creído... pero me gusta querer a alguien que está a 20.000 km...and he's not the prettiest, the smartest, the coolest........ pero me adora, y es mágico, y es increíble, y es incomprensible el porqué...pero es así. Me adora en la distancia. Ahí está la magia.