
Showing posts from January, 2009

Why are we, women, so complicated? :-)

We are defined by opportunities. Even by the ones we miss. “For what it’s worth, it’s never too late, or in my case too early, to be whoever you want to be. There’s no time limit….start whenever you want… you can change or stay the same. There are no rules to this thing. We can make the best or the worst of it. I hope you make the best of it. I hope you see things that stop you. I hope you feel things that you never felt before. I hope you meet people with a different point of view. I hope you live a life that you’re proud of and if you find that you’re not, I hope you have the strength to start all over again.” (The curious case of Benjamin Button)

Danke, Topo ;)

¿Por qué es tan doloroso ir diciendo la verdad? La palabra se dispara y duele mucho al personal. ¿Por qué hay que pensarlo tanto? ¿Por qué no se siente más? ¿Por qué la vida no es gratis, si estamos para disfrutar? ¿Por qué la melancolía nos traiciona sin parar? ¿Por qué duele el otoño y me vuelve loco de atar? Tantas palabras son falsas, que se acaban por gastar. Tiempo perdido encontrando, algo que no sé buscar . Adivina adivinanza, si puedes adivinar. Una cosa que no se pierde y es difícil encontrar. Adivina adivinanza, si puedes adivinar. Una cosa color verde que nos hace avanzar. Todo es ponerse, Celtas Cortos

La naturaleza es sabia

There are some people with whom you can talk about football. And also some people with whom you can talk about fashion. And then, there are these people with whom you can talk about life, better said, about what makes life unique. A couple of weeks ago I met one of this special persons for a warm coffee. And we talked about one aspect of nature which has always fascinated us both. Are we really so sure that animals cannot think? What makes the human being so exceptional? Apparently, this big difference between us and them is basically sustained by the fact that our cerebral cortex is 25% denser. I cannot help but be surprised by some animal behaviors. Is it really only instinct who is working? And the most appealing thing is to realize over and over again how similar we are to them. I am sure that most of you, readers, have already watched this video. If not, it is certainly worth to take a look: Nature will never stop surprising us.

El último Rey de Escocia

Aunque no soy gran seguidora de la Gran Pantalla, no hace mucho tiempo vi una película que me impresionó. La escogí por su título: "El último Rey de Escocia" ante mi inminente partida a la tierra del tweed y del whisky. El hecho de ver a un hombre negro ( Forest Whitaker ) en la carátula de la cinta, me hizo sospechar que quizás no tuviera mucho que ver con el país de William Wallace. Y en efecto, poco o nada verde puede verse en la cinta. James McAvoy es un recién graduado médico escocés que, como muchos de nosotros, decidió un día dar un gran cambio a su vida. Pensó que el hospital de su barrio era demasiado cómodo y que necesitaba algo más emocionante en lo que invertir sus conocimientos médicos. Así pues, tomó un globo del mundo, lo hizo girar y con los ojos cerrados apuntó un país. Que resultó ser UGANDA. Y se dijo a sí mismo: There we go! Cogió sus cosas y pronto se encontró de misión médica en este país de África. Si el destino realmente existe, podremos entonces decir...

Preparations for Scotland have already started :-)

Every man dies, not every man really lives. (William Wallace)
Ocultarlo no sirve de nada, necesitamos amar algo en todo momento. Incluso en los asuntos que nada tienen que ver con el amor, si buscamos, hallaremos el sentimiento porque el ser humano no puede vivir un instante sin él. (Blaise Pascal)

Vielleicht denke ich zu viel...

I have always thought that one of the best inventions ever has been the Internet. Almost everything in the world can be reachable by only clicking a mouse. It has for sure changed the way we live to a great extent – a house without an online computer is a much more limited house. We can organize any trip to anywhere in a minute. It has even changed our relationships models. It is easier than anytime before to stay in touch with friends and collegues. Some people even maintain internet-based relationships. Some applications like Facebook allow us to keep the world updated about our emotional status, the parties we go to, the places we visit… Almost nothing is private today and we are always available. We are crazy about technology. Laptops and iphones are a great example of the last most desired treasures. And the main use we give them is to keep in touch with other people. We sometimes prefer technology to relationships, but what we eventually end up doing with this technology is to k...
Hay momentos en la vida que son definitivos. Y ante un momento definitivo, o defines el momento o el momento te define a ti. Tin Cup en la película homónima